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Meet Dr. Lauren Golding
Today’s woman grew up in a lower middle class family with an identical twin sister. She was an A student in school and knew by the time she reached college she wanted to be a doctor. Her parents had taught her that she could do anything she dreamed of so off to medical school she went. When it came time to choose her medical specialty, she chose radiology – a field few women pursued. By the time she completed her training, she was a mother of two. And it was as a mother she saw how others began to decide what was enough for her and where they thought her priorities should be. But she pushed forward and today is walking her path to greatness as a prominent radiologist specializing in pediatric and breast imaging. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Lauren Golding.
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Meet Dr. Catherine Everett
This woman grew up in an educated family in a small rural town. Her father treated her like a boy so she assumed she could do anything boys could do. And she was always expected to do her best and seemed to excel in most things. Early on medicine caught her attention and she decided instead of marrying a doctor like many others desired, she would be the doctor. As she moved through medical school, diagnostic radiology became her chosen direction. She eventually became involved in the American College of Radiology and was elected to the board. Today, she continues to walk her path to greatness as she continues to be a major influencer in the radiology field of medicine. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Catherine Everette.
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Meet Dr. Geraldine McGinty
Today’s woman grew up in England and Ireland to parents who were nurses. From an early age, she was pushed to pursue education. And this push seemed natural for her as she was driven and competitive. She eventually made her way to medical school. She wanted to be a doctor and chose breast imagery as her specialty. In 2018 she became the first board chair of the American College of Radiology. Today she continues to walk a path to greatness as she pursues more board positions and steps forward as a leader in the development of others in the medical space. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Geraldine McGinty.

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Meet Dr. Cheri Canon
This woman grew up in a very conservative family. In this environment she was taught to be independent and competitive. She was never in the typical school clicks but was seen as a leader in many school activities. As a young girl, she wanted to be a veterinarian but in high school changed her mind and decided to pursue medicine. In medical school, there wasn’t many women and men seemed to hold the power. So, she adopted a male like behavior and became one of the guys. And as she moved through the years, her career in medicine and a successful support system continued to evolve. Today she is not only the chair of radiology of a prominent medical hospital, but is also a champion of developing women leaders. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Cheri Canon.
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Meet Dr. Faith Brown
Today’s woman grew up in a poor family that was rich in love. She had a speech impediment as a child and, as she grew, language and proper grammar became important to her. She realized early that she was different. She wasn’t willing to settle like others and always believed there were ways to get what you wanted. And even though as a black woman, she was told she didn’t belong, she decided early on she wasn’t going to let others tell her who she was. Today she considers herself to be in the transformation business. As a counseling psychologist, she helps others identify their blind spots and craft new plans of success. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Faith Brown.
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Meet Shivani Gupta
Today’s woman was born to immigrant parents from New Delhi. As a child she watched her parents go from a simple life to one that was very successful. And, during this transition, they taught her business and a business mindset. As she became a young adult, she came to understand that social entrepreneurship was going to be her focus. And she realized that she could do big and good at the same time. But she wasn’t meant to be in a non-profit and was never going to ask others for money. She wanted to create companies that would make big money so that she could use it to shift social consciousness. Today she operates as a thriving entrepreneur who has enjoyed a variety of world-changing product successes. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Shivani Gupta.
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Meet Dr. Cynthia Brown
Today’s woman, as a young child, thought her family was rich. They had a big backyard and went on vacation but when she went to middle school, she became friends with wealthy children and realized she wanted to one day have that kind of life. So, in college she decided she would become a physical therapist. With her degree in hand, she eventually took a position at Duke University Hospital. In this academic medical setting, she realized she loved to be constantly learning and the routine of physical therapy started to bore her. So, at the age of 30, she decided she would become a doctor and one day be in a position where she could have incredible impact and influence. Today, she is walking that path to greatness as a department chair of internal medicine of a major hospital. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Cynthia Brown.
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Meet Dr. Vanessa Peters
This woman lost her father when she was 6 years old. Her mother remarried and the next 8 years she was abused by a stepfather. And as a young woman, she couldn’t wait to leave home and be on her own. Even though her start in life was rocky, her sights for herself were set high. She wanted to be a doctor and help others. But her path wasn’t easy. Her first marriage didn’t work out and she made some mistakes as she moved toward a thriving career in medicine. But she never gave up on what was possible for her. Today she serves as a medical director over a clinic of 85 doctors and is on a path to greatness as a leader and as a caring physician. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Vanessa Peters.
The story unfolds here...
Meet Dr. Jaime Hope
Today’s woman was told in high school she wasn’t college material. Others believed she would be a teen mom like so many in her family had been. But, at 10 years old, when a friend broke her arm, she desperately wanted to fix it and realized at this tender age that medicine was going to be her path. As she grew into a young adult, the human body became her fascination. Instead of being grossed out by blood and body waste, she was intrigued. So, at age 17 she entered college and by the age 25 she was a doctor on a mission to heal and teach the world. And now years later, her greatness continues to shine as her healing touch and calm spirit as a trauma doctor impacts everyone she encounters. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Jamie Hope.